What is going on Stories

  • Robot progress

    Robot progress

    Progress has been slower than I anticipated but I will get there. There will be a clubbing robot or two! A lot of the parts I have created have been revised several times. It’s definitely a learning process. My 3d printers are both amazing and frustrating in equal measures. Just when I get one working…

  • Things are getting real

    Things are getting real

    In some ways you could look at this as things coming full circle. Originally, back in 1994 Overscan’s visuals brought life to the imagery of the club fliers thatI had been creating for Tribal Energy. Now, I’m taking the graphics to the physical form and creating large midi controlled performance robots.  

  • New Year 2020

    New Year 2020

    Back to World Unknown! After the death of my laptop, I deliberated for at least a day before purchasing an almost identical laptop from eBay. This way my hard drives could easily drop in and I already knew the capabilities of the machine. I had a lot of time on my hands after school finished…

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